Have you ever tried using aloe vera as a conditioner for your hair? Not the one that’s been mixed in with other ingredients that anyone can hardly pronounce. I’m talking about the actual aloe vera plant! If you haven’t you’ve gotta give it a try! Recently I’ve been adding this mixture into my spray bottle to add as a leave-in, while adding some olive oil.

To make this mask – I cut the skin off and blend the slimy goodness into my blender, I also tossed in half a cup of fresh coconut water to add even more nutrients to the ingredients. 


Aloe Vera

  • Has proteolytic enzymes- which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp
  • Has a chemical similar to keratin, which rejuvenates the hair with its own nutrients, this gives the hair more elasticity and prevents breakage
  • Promotes hair growth and leaves it shiny and smooth.

Coconut Water

  • Controls frizz and dryness
  • Rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B and potassium
  • Incredibly hydrating and keeps hair moisturized to prevent breakage

How to apply to curly hair:

  1. Part hair into 4 sections
  2. Starting with 1st section, apply mixture around the perimeter
  3. Part hair into smaller sections and apply mixture throughout the hair while finger detangling
  4. After you’ve completed each section, twist and use clip to secure it
  5. Massage the remaining mixture into scalp for a nice scalp massage
  6. Leave mask in for 15-30 min
  7. Rinse

Have you tried this before? Let me know in the comments below 🙂

xoxo Tia!

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