Cartagena has to be one of the most beautiful places I’ve traveled to! Here, you’ll find colorful architecture, cobblestone roads, iconic Palenqueras (fruit ladies) in their vibrant and flowy dresses, lively nightlife, the most delicious fish with coconut rice dish I’ve ever had in life and so much more! There were a few instances when I thought I was back home in Miami when looking at the skyline from our hotel, so I guess you can say they have similar vibes. With that being said you know I had to share details on where to go to get that perfect Instagram picture!

1.Torre del reloj

The Clock Tower

A famous landmark found at the entrance of the old walled city located between the squares Plaza de Independencia and Plaza de los Coches

2. Getsemaní

In very close proximity to the Old City, here you’ll find a charming neighborhood filled with creativity from colorful stone walls, colorful doors, street art, hanging umbrellas, hanging flags, etc.

3. Callejón Angosto

There are plenty of other tourists taking photos here so don’t try and wait for them to be finished (or you’ll be waiting all day), just find a good spot and have your camera person guide you to be in a position so they are not in your photos, if possible.

4. Old City

With Palenqueras! You can find these women all throughout Old City. They would be more than happy to take a picture with you 🙂 but beware, if you try and sneak a picture of them they will cover their faces and tell you “no photos”. Taking photos is another source of income for these ladies so you will have to tip them. The price depends on how many of them are in your picture and you must pay per person. These two Palenqueras were so much fun! They were dancing and singing with us LOL!

5. YOUR Rooftop hotel

If you’re going to Cartagena, you are more than likely staying in a rooftop hotel. We stayed at Hotel Allure Chocolat by Karisma, and had amazing views!

Have you visited Cartagena? Share your experience in the comments!

xoxo Tia 💋

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