So you’ve decided to spend the day at the beach? Perfect! Now let’s get organized on what to pack to have an enjoyable time there. 

1. First things first, your beach bag. Large straw beach bags like THIS & THIS are perfect for a beach day and not to mention quite stylish and chic. This is the foundation for organizing everything in one place for your trip. 

Next, are the essentials…

2. SUNSCREEN: I love this sunscreen for my face. It has an SPF of 100. And this spray-on sunscreen for my body

3. BOOK/JOURNAL: I always like to bring a physical book since my iPad overheats frequently. Currently reading Atomic Habits

Journaling on the beach can be quite relaxing. You can write down a gratitude list or a list of affirmations

4. PORTABLE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER: What’s going to the beach if you don’t have a little music to play in the background right? THIS is the one I use. It’s pink and under $20 bucks!

5. WATER BOTTLE: The heat from the sun and the salty beach water will have you feeling tired in no time! Staying hydrated is super important. THIS Stanley water bottle leaves your water nice and cold for hourssss!

6. CONDITIONER: This is definitely a MUST ladies! No matter your hair type, this will help with not feeling brassy, dry hair before going home. Rinse your hair off as much as possible, then apply. Trust me, it’ll save you from the dreaded detangling process especially if you have curly hair! THIS deep conditioner by Amika is my new fav product and has been recommended by my stylist.

And of course the obvious…

7. Striped Beach Towel – There’s just something about striped beach towels that are so aesthetically pleasing to me. These are compact & lightweight.

8. Sunnies or similar ones

9. Sun Visor Hat

10. Similar Swimwear / Linen cover up

11. Beach chairs

What do you pack when going to the beach? Let me know in the comments below!



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